Courses A.A. 2013/2014

1.     Introduction To Microlocal Analysis, Visiting Professor Pierre Albin (Mathematics department, "La Sapienza");(link to the course here).


Courses A.A. 2014/2015

1.     An Introduction To Sobolev Spaces And Differential Equations, Prof L. Giacomelli (SBAI Department); (link to the course here).

2.     An Introduction To The Functions Of Bounded Variation, Prof. V. De Cicco (SBAI Department); (link to the course here).

3.     Una Introduzione Alla Teoria Del Potenziale, Classica e Non Commutativa. Dalle Forme di Dirichlet alla Geometria Noncommutativa, Visiting Professor Jean-Luc Sauvageot (Mathematics department, "Università di Roma Tor Vergata"); (link to the course here).

4.     Quantum Groups and tensor C*-categories, Prof. C. Pinzari (Mathematics department, “Università di Roma La Sapienza”); (link to the course here).

5.     Partial Differential Equation, Prof. D. Andreucci (SBAI Department); (link to the course here).