M. Amar, D. Andreucci, E.N.M. Cirillo,
Upscaled equations for the Fokker-Planck diffusion through arrays of permeable and of impermeable inclusions
Preprint 2024, arXiv:2405.20741
E.N.M. Cirillo, R. Lyons, A. Muntean, S.A. Muntean,
Pattern formation in three-state systems: Towards understanding morphology formation in the presence of evaporation
Preprint 2024, arXiv:2405.16459
E.N.M. Cirillo, V. Jacquier, C. Spitoni,
Particle transport based study of nucleation in a ferromagnetic
three-state spin system with conservative dynamics
Preprint 2024, arXiv:2405.09198.
E.N.M. Cirillo, M. Colangeli, Martin Kröger, L. Rondoni
Particle transport and finite-size effects in Lorentz channels
with finite horizons
Physica D 472 134512, 2025
V. Raveendran, I. de Bonis, E.N.M. Cirillo, A. Muntean
Homogenization of a reaction-diffusion problem with large nonlinear
drift and Robin boundary data
Quart. Appl. Math. 83 1-17, 2025
E.N.M. Cirillo, G. Lancia, C. Spitoni,
Block approximations for probabilistic mixtures of elementary
cellular automata
Physica A 654 130150, 2204
E.N.M. Cirillo, M. Colangeli, Antonio Di Francesco, Martin Kröger,
L. Rondoni
Particle traps and stationary currents captured by an active 1D model
Physica A 642 129763, 2024
E.N.M. Cirillo, V. Jacquier, C. Spitoni,
Homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation in the three-state Blume-Capel model
Physica D 461 134125, 2024
R. Lyons, E.N.M. Cirillo, A. Muntean,
Phase separation and morphology formation in interacting ternary
mixtures under evaporation -- Well-posedness and numerical simulation
of a non-local evolution system
Nonlinear Analysis RWA 77 104039, 2024
E.N.M. Cirillo, M. Colangeli, Martin Kröger, L. Rondoni,
Nonequilibrium phase transitions in feedback-controlled three-dimensional
particle dynamics
Physical Review Research 5 043063, 2023
G. Lancia,
C. Durastanti,
C. Spitoni,
I. De Benedictis,
A. Sciortino,
E.N.M. Cirillo,
M. Ledda,
A. Lisi,
A. Convertino,
and V. Mussi,
Learning models for classifying Raman spectra of genomic DNA from
tumor subtypes
Scientific Reports 13 11370, 2023
R. Lyons, S.A. Muntean, E.N.M. Cirillo, A. Muntean,
A Continuum Model for Morphology Formation from Interacting
Ternary Mixtures: Simulation Study of the Formation and Growth of Patterns
Physica D 453 133832, 2023
E.N.M. Cirillo, M. Colangeli, Antonio Di Francesco , Martin Kröger,
L. Rondoni
Transport and Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Polygonal Urn Models
Chaos 32 093127, 2022
S.A. Muntean, V.C.E. Kronberg, M. Colangeli, A. Muntean,
J. van Stam, E. Moons, E.N.M. Cirillo
Quantitative analysis of phase formation and growth in ternary mixtures
upon evaporation of one component
Physical Review E 106 025306, 2022
C. Durastanti, E.N.M. Cirillo, I. De Benedictis, M. Ledda,
A. Sciortino, A. Lisi, A. Convertino, and V. Mussi,
Statistical classification for Raman spectra of tumoral genomic DNA
Micromachines 13 1388, 2022
E.N.M. Cirillo, V. Jacquier, C. Spitoni,
Metastability of synchronous and asynchronous dynamics
Entropy 24 450, 2022
V. Raveendran, E.N.M. Cirillo, I. de Bonis, A. Muntean
Scaling effects on the periodic homogenization of a
reaction-diffusion-convection problem posed in
homogeneous domains connected by a thin composite layer
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics LXXX 157-200, 2022
89. E.N.M. Cirillo, F.R. Nardi, C. Spitoni,
Phase transitions in random mixtures of elementary cellular automata
Physica A 573 125942, 2021
E.N.M. Cirillo, M. Colangeli, O. Richardson, L. Rondoni,
Deterministic model of battery, uphill currents and non-equilibrium
phase transitions
Physical Review E 103 032119, 2021
87. E.N.M. Cirillo, I. De Bonis, A. Muntean, O. Richardson,
Upscaling the interplay between diffusion and polynomial drifts through a
composite thin strip with periodic microstructure
Meccanica 55 2159-2178, 2020
85. E.N.M. Cirillo, M. Colangeli, A. Muntean,
T.K. Thoa Thieu,
When diffusion faces drift: consequences of exclusion processes
for bi--directional pedestrian flows
Physica D
413 132651, 2020
P. Buttà, E.N.M. Cirillo, G. Sciarra,
Stability of the stationary solutions of the Allen--Cahn
equation with non--constant stiffness
Wave Motion
98 102641, 2020
77. E.N.M. Cirillo, M. Colangeli, E. Moons, A. Muntean,
S-A. Muntean, J. van Stam,
A lattice model approach to the morphology formation
from ternary mixtures during the evaporation of one component
European Physical Journal Special Topics 228 55-68, 2019
76. E.N.M. Cirillo, A. Muntean, R. van Santen,
Particle--based modelling of flows through obstacles
In ``Complexity Science: An Introduction",
eds. Mark A. Peletier, Rutger A. van Santen, and Erik Steur,
DOI 10.1142/10973, World Scientific, 2019.
73. A. Ciallella, E.N.M. Cirillo,
Linear Boltzmann dynamics in a strip with large reflective obstacles:
stationary state and residence time
Kinetic & Related Models 11 1475-1501, 2018
72. A. Ciallella, E.N.M. Cirillo, J. Sohier,
Residence time of symmetric random walkers in a strip with large
reflective obstacles
Physical Review E 97 052116, 2018
69. E.N.M. Cirillo, M. Colangeli, A. Muntean,
Trapping in bottlenecks: interplay between microscopic dynamics and
large scale effects
Physica A, 488, 30-38, 2017
61. E.N.M. Cirillo, M. Colangeli, A. Muntean,
Effects of communication efficiency and exit capacity on fundamental
diagrams for pedestrian motion in an obscure tunnel - a
particle system approach
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 14, 906-922, 2016
E.N.M. Cirillo, A. Muntean, O. Krehel, R. van Santen, A. Sengar,
Residence time estimates for asymmetric simple exclusion dynamics on strips
Physica A 442, 436-457, 2016
52. D. Andreucci, D. Bellaveglia,
E.N.M. Cirillo,
A model for enhanced and selective transport through biological
membranes with alternating pores.
Mathematical Biosciences 257, 42-49, 2014
50. E.N.M. Cirillo, P.-Y. Louis, W.M. Ruszel,
C. Spitoni,
Effect of self-interaction on the phase diagram of
a Gibbs-like measure derived by a
reversible Probabilistic Cellular Automata.
Chaos, Solitons, and Fractals 64, 36-47, 2014
47. E.N.M. Cirillo, A. Muntean,
Dynamics of pedestrians in regions with no
visibility - a lattice model without exclusion.
Physica A 392, 3578-3588, 2013
44. Emilio N.M. Cirillo, G. Maschio, G. Saccomandi,
T. Ruggeri,
Osservazioni sulle Lezioni.
In Complementi alle Lezioni di Meccanica Razionale di T. Levi-Civita e
U. Amaldi, a cura di E.N.M. Cirillo, G. Maschio, G. Saccomandi e
T. Ruggeri.
Edizioni Compomat, Configni, Italia, 2012,
ISBN 9788895706313.
38. D. Andreucci, D. Bellaveglia,
E.N.M. Cirillo, S. Marconi,
Monte Carlo study of gating and selection in potassium channels.
Physical Review E 84, 021920, 2011
37. E.N.M. Cirillo, N. Ianiro, G. Sciarra,
Phase transition in saturated porous media: pore-fluid segregation
in consolidation.
Physica D 240, 1345-1351, 2011
35. E.N.M. Cirillo, F.R. Nardi, C. Spitoni,
Competitive nucleation in metastable systems.
Applied and Industrial Mathematics in Italy III (AIMI III).
Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences,
volume 82, pages 208-219 (2010).
24. A. Convertino, A. Capobianchi, A. Valentini,
E.N.M. Cirillo,
High reflectivity Bragg reflectors based on a gold nanoparticle/Teflon-like
composite material as a new approach to the organic solvent detection.
Sensors and actuators B 100, 212-215, 2004
23. A. Convertino, A. Capobianchi, A. Valentini,
E.N.M. Cirillo,
A New Approach to Organic Solvent Detection: High reflectivity Bragg reflectors
based on a gold nanoparticle/Teflon-like composite material.
Advanced Materials 15, 1103, 2003
21. A. Convertino, A. Valentini, A. Bassi, N. Cioffi,
L. Torsi, E.N.M. Cirillo,
Effect of metal clusters on the swelling of gold-fluorocarbon-polymer
composite films.
Applied Physics Letters 80, 1565, 2002
16. L. Bertini, E.N.M. Cirillo, E. Olivieri,
Renormalization-group transformations under strong mixing
conditions: Gibbsianess and convergence of renormalized interactions.
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15. S. Bigelis, E.N.M. Cirillo, J.L. Lebowitz, E.R. Speer,
Critical droplets in metastable probabilistic cellular automata.
Physical Review E 59, 3935, 1999
14. E.N.M. Cirillo, G. Gonnella, S. Stramaglia,
Persistence exponent in superantiferromagnetic quenching.
Physica A 265, 43-52, 1999
13. E.N.M. Cirillo, G. Gonnella, M. Troccoli, A. Maritan,
Correlation functions by Cluster Variation Method
for Ising model with NN, NNN and Plaquette interactions.
Journal of Statistical Physics 94, 67-89, 1999
8. E.N.M. Cirillo, G. Gonnella, S. Stramaglia,
Anisotropic dynamical scaling in a spin model with competing interactions.
Physical Review E 56, 5065, 1997
7. E.N.M. Cirillo, G. Gonnella, D.A. Johnston, A. Pelizzola,
The Phase Diagram of the Gonihedric 3d Ising Model via CVM.
Physics Letters A 226, 59-64, 1997
6. E.N.M. Cirillo, G. Gonnella, A. Pelizzola,
Critical behaviour of the three-dimensional Ising model with nearest
neighbor, next nearest neighbor and plaquette interactions.
Physical Review E 55, R17, 1997
4. E.N.M. Cirillo, G. Gonnella, A. Pelizzola,
Folding transition of the triangular lattice in a discrete three-dimensional
Physical Review E 53, 3253, 1996