Istituto IMM - CNR

Valentina Mussi (Principal Investigator)
E_mail: valentina.mussi AT
Short curriculum: Valentina Mussi graduated in Physics in 1998 at the University of Rome Sapienza on Quantum Optics, and obtained a PhD in physics in 2003 at the University of Roma Tre. As a post-doc, she directed the research aimed at the development of biosensors and nanostructured devices for biomedical applications at the NANOMED laboratories of the Physics Department of the University of Genova, where she obtained, in 2011, a position of assistant researcher, also carrying out teaching activities. In October 2010, she contributed to the foundation of the spin-off of the University of Genova "Nanomed Srl", and in 2013 she obtained the National Scientific Qualification for Associate Professor. Since 2012, she is a researcher at the CNR in Rome, first at the Institute of Complex Systems, presently at the Institute of Microelectronics and Microsystems, where she works on the use of vibrational micro-spectroscopy to characterize materials and devices and for bioanalytical and diagnostic applications. She is a member of the organizing committee of the "Biophysics@Rome" periodical conference (, and in charge for the Technological Area "Characterization" of IMM-CNR.

Annalisa Convertino
E_mail: annalisa.convertino AT
Short curriculum: Ph.D. in Physics in 1999 and Laurea in Physics in 1994 at the University of Bari (Italy). Since 2001 permanent researcher at the National Research Council (CNR) and in 2008 she joined the Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems of CNR, Unit of Rome. In 2019 visiting researcher at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Johns Hopkins University of Baltimore (USA) within the Short Term Mobility program of the CNR. From 1999 to 2001 tenure track at the Institute of Material Chemistry of the CNR. In 1998 visiting Research Fellow at Laboratoire Central de Recherches-Thomson CSF, Orsay, France. Co-Principal investigator of Collaborative Linkage Grant in the NATO Programme Security through Science "Creation of the PTFE NanoComposite Optical Sensor for Aggressive Matter" (2007-2009). Responsible for IMM Rome Unit of the project "Advanced nano-structured material interface and devices for in vivo-like-in vitro monitoring of astrocytes physiology and brain toxicology (Astromat)" funded within the Air Force Defense Research Sciences Program (2017-2018). Principal Investigator of the joint project "Scalable nano-plasmonic platform for differentiation and drug response monitoring of organ-tropic metastatic cancer cells" within the Scientific and Collaboration Program Italy-USA (2019-2021) of the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Collaboration (MAECI). In the member team of several national and european project. She has co-authored more than 65 papers on international journals. Vice Chair for H2020 FETOPEN 2015/2, Expert Evaluator for H2020 Fast Track to Innovation (FTI) Pilot-2016, H2020-FETOPEN-2014-2015-RIA_H2020 FETOPEN 2015/1, Expert Reviewer for EU-FP7 specific programme: Research projects for the benefit of SMEs, Rapporteur for the Italian Ministries of Economic Development (MISE) and Education University Research (MIUR), and Expert-Reviewer for the Romanian Minister of Education and Science CNCS.

Istituto IFT - CNR

Antonella Lisi
E_mail: antonella.lisi AT
Short curriculum: master degree in Biological Science, 1992 and Ph.D in Clinical Pathology, 1999. Permanent position as research scientist at the Institute of Translational Pharmacology (IFT), National Research Council, Research Area Rome 2, 2001-2020 and as senior research scientist, 2020 to present. Head of the ``Laboratory of New Interdisciplinary Therapeutic Strategies and Innovative Technologies for Advanced Therapies in Regenerative Medicine". Dr. Antonella Lisi's basic research interests focus on Regenerative Medicine: Tissue Engineering and Cell Therapies - study of the differentiation processes induced by chemical and/or physical agents on mesenchymal, cardiac and liver stem cells; Biomaterials and nanobiotechnologies: study of the biocompatibility and the interaction effects between nanobiomaterials and biological systems; Characterization and study of stem cells' growth, proliferation and differentiation processes on nanostructured supports. Author of more than 80 peer-reviewed scientific papers published on international journals, and several book chapters. Also, inventor of five patents and reviewer of scientific articles published on international journals ISI I.F. Furthermore, Dr. Lisi is an expert evaluator of scientific projects of the European Commission, Italian University of Insubria, and the French University of Toulouse from 2014 to present.

Dipartimento SBAI - Sapienza Università di Roma

Emilio N.M. Cirillo
E_mail: emilio.cirillo AT
Short curriculum: Master (Laurea) and PhD in Physics at Università di Bari. Full professor of Mathematical Physics in 2019 (Sapienza). Associate professor in Mathematical Physics in 2015 (Sapienza). Ricercatore in Mathematical Physics in 2000 (Sapienza). Postdoc/assegno di ricerca: Tor Vergata (1999), Toulouse/CMI Marseille (1998), Paris XI (1997). Member of the Academic Senate of Sapienza from November 2016 to September 2019. Member of the Sapienza Research Commitee from march 2012 to november 2013. He has visited several prestigious international universities and research centers; among the others he visited the École normale supérieure (Paris, 2019), the Mathematcs Department of the Utrecht University (2017), Eurandom (Eindhoven, 2012), the Mathematics Department of the Rutgers University (New Brunswick, NJ, US, 1996). Teaching experience: Mechanics, Mathematical Physics, Statistical Mechanics. Research topics: Statistical Mechanics, Particle Systems, Stochastic dynamics, Porous media.

Claudio Durastanti
E_mail: claudio.durastanti AT
Short curriculum: Claudio Durastanti is currently a tenure track researcher in the Department of Basic Science Applied to Engineering, after two post doc research fellowships in the Ruhr University, in Bochum (DE) and University of Rome Tor Vergata, and his PhD studies in the University of Pavia. His expertise area concerns Probability and Mathematical Statistics, in particular within the area of nonparametric statistics (density and regression function nonparametric nonlinear estimation) and statistical problems related to the study of spherical random fields (spectral estimation, quantitative central limit theorems and space-time random fields). 

Last modified: april 2023