Published papers
B. Calusi,
A. Farina,
L. Fusi,
F. Rosso
Thermo-mechanical modeling of pancakelike domes on Venus
Physica of Fluids 36, 056607 (2024)
E.N.M. Cirillo, M. Colangeli,
Antonio Di Francesco, Martin Kröger, L. Rondoni
Particle traps and stationary currents captured by an active 1D model
Physica A 642, 129763 (2024)
E.N.M. Cirillo,
V. Jacquier, C. Spitoni
Homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation in the three-state Blume-Capel model
Physica D 461, 134125 (2024)
L. Fusi, R. Tozzi
Falkner-Skan boundary layer flow of a fluid with
pressure-dependent viscosity past a stretching wedge with suction or
International Journal of Non-Linear mechanics 163, 104746 (2024)
L. Fusi,
A. Farina,
K.R. Rajagopal
A note on longitudinal and
torsional oscillations of a rod in a generalized non-Newtonian fluid
International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics 166, 104836 (2024)
L. Fusi,
A. Giovinetto
A spectral numerical scheme for the
two-dimensional flow of a regularized viscoplastic fluid: numerical
results and comparison with analytical solution
Mathematics and computers in simulations 225, 1237-1256 (2024)
J. Ciambella, G. Lucci,
P. Nardinocchi
Anisotropic evolution of viscous strain in soft biological materials
Mechanics of Materials, 104976 (2024)
P. Nardinocchi,
S.H.Ommi, G. Sciarra
Swelling-driven mechanics of partially cross-linked polymer gels:
Steady state solutions
International Journal of Engineering Science
202, 104101 (2024)
A.C. Barroso, J. Matias,
E. Zappale
A global method for relaxation for multi-levelled structured deformations
Nonlinear Differ. Equ. Appl. 31, 50 (2024)
L. D'Elia, M. Eleuteri,
E. Zappale
Homogenization of supremal functionals in the vectorial case (via
Analysis and Applications 22, 1255-1302 (2024)
S. Krömer, M. Kružík, M. Morandotti,
E. Zappale
Measure-Valued Structured Deformations
J. Nonlinear Sci. 34, 100 (2024)
Related papers
M. Amar, D. Andreucci, E.N.M. Cirillo
Diffusion in inhomogeneous media with periodic microstructures
ZAMM 101, e202000070 (2021)
D. Andreucci, E.N.M. Cirillo, M. Colangeli,
D. Gabrielli
Fick and Fokker-Planck Diffusion Law in Inhomogeneous Media
Journal of Statistical Physics 174, 469-493 (2019)
L. Bellino, G. Florio,
S. Giordano, G. Puglisi
On the competition between interface energy and temperature
in phase transition phenomena
Applications in Engineering Science 2, 100009 (2020)
L. Bellino, G. Florio,
A. Goriely, G. Puglisi
Cooperative melting in double-stranded peptide chains through local
mechanical interactions
J. R. Soc. Interface 20, 20230130 (2023)
L. Bellino, G. Florio,
G. Puglisi
The influence of device handles in single-molecule experiments
Soft Matter 15, 8680 (2019)
A. Cannizzo,
L. Bellino, G. Florio,
G. Puglisi, S. Giordano
Thermal control of nucleation and propagation transition stresses
in discrete lattices with non-local interactions and non-convex energy
European Physical Journal Plus 137, 569 (2022)
A. Cannizzo,
G. Florio,
G. Puglisi, S. Giordano
Temperature controlled decohesion regimes of an elastic chain adhering to a
fixed substrate by softening and breakable bonds
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54, 445001 (2021)
S. Di Stefano,
G. Florio,
G. Napoli, N.M. Pugno, G. Puglisi
On the role of elasticity in focal adhesion stability within the
passive regime
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 146,
104157 (2022)
G. Florio,
G. Puglisi
Unveiling the influence of device stiffness in single macromolecule
Scientific Reports 9, 4997 (2019)
G. Florio,
G. Puglisi
A predictive model for the thermomechanical melting transition of
double stranded DNA
Acta Biomaterialia 157, 225-235 (2023)
G. Florio,
G. Puglisi, S. Giordano
Role of temperature in the decohesion of an elastic chain tethered to a substrate by onsite breakable links
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033227 (2020)
G. Florio,
N.M. Pugno, M.J. Buehler, G. Puglisi
A coarse-grained mechanical model for folding and unfolding
of tropoelastin with possible mutations
Acta Biomaterialia 134, 477-489 (2021)
L. Fusi
Shallow flow of an incompressible inhomeogenous fluids down inclined plane
Theoretical and computational fluid dynamics 33,
215-234 (2019)
L. Fusi, A. Farina
Linear stability analysis of blood flow in small vessels
Applications of Engineering Science 1, 100002 (2020)
L. Fusi, A. Farina,
G. Saccomandi
Linear stability analysis of the Poiseuille flow of a stratified
non-Newtonian suspension: application to microcirculation
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 287, 104464 (2021)
L. Fusi,
A. Giovinetto
Modal stability and Squire's theorem for an inhomogeneous viscoelastic
European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids 89, 21-28 (2021)
L. Fusi, A. Farina,
Flow stability of suspensions
Applied Mathematics and Computation 419, 126466 (2021)
L. Fusi,
L. Vergori,
The Rayleigh-Bénard problem for a fluid with pressure-and
temperature-dependent material properties
ZAMP 74, 1-18 (2023)
R. Lyons,
E.N.M. Cirillo,
A. Muntean
Phase separation and morphology formation in interacting ternary
mixtures under evaporation: Well-posedness and numerical simulation
of a non-local evolution system
Nonlinear Analysis RWA 77, 104039 (2024)
S-A. Muntean, V.C.E. Kronberg, M. Colangeli, A. Muntean,
J. van Stam, E. Moons,
E.N.M. Cirillo
Quantitative analysis of phase formation and growth in ternary mixtures
upon evaporation of one component
Physical Review E 106, 025306 (2022)