About Us

The Department of Basic and Applied Sciences for Engineering (SBAI) conducts research primarily on issues of the Chemical, Physical and Mathematical disciplines exhibiting a significant applicative aspect.

They form a bridge between basic science and technological breakthroughs, using physical and chemical principles and mathematical methods to develop new technologies. Relevant are the theoretical and experimental activities aimed at an advancement of knowledge, an essential stimulus in a scientific environment that aspires to excellence based on quality and indispensable element of any innovation process.

The Department SBAI was born in July 2010 through the merging of three previous structures: the Department of Mathematical Methods and Models for Applied Sciences(Memomat) , the Department of Energy and the Chemical section of the Department of Chemical Engineering Materials Environment (ICMA).

It is part of the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering, in which its members perform their didactic duties mainly teaching (giving courses in AY 2012-13 for a total of 584 credits). Further educational activities took place at the Faculty of Engineering, Computer Science and Statistics (204 CFU), Medicine and Dentistry (6 credits), Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences (12 credits), Letters, Humanities and Oriental Studies (12 credits) and Architecture (16 ECTS). Teachers of SBAI verbalize about 18,000 exams for year.

The establishment of the Department SBAI has reinforced the specificity of training in the basic and applied sciences in the Faculty of Engineering and facilitated the coordination necessary to achieve a good educational organization for students. An innovative activity for which the Department SBAI has made​ a vital contribution at an early stage of the development is represented by the Master of Science in Engineering of Nanotechnology, in which the teaching of chemistry and physics are characteristic.

The establishment of the Department SBAI strengthened within the Sapienza University the opportunities for interdisciplinary research in the areas where it creates fertile ground for new ideas necessary for innovation.

The simultaneous presence of the skills of mathematics, physics and chemistry laboratories with advanced equipments make the Department SBAI a center of expertise important (and, in some cases, unique) for the Sapienza University of Rome . In addition SBAI contributes significantly since its inception at the Center for Nanotechnology applied to Engineering of Sapienza (CNIS) and the laboratory for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (SSN_Lab) at which it is installed state-of-the-art instrumentation and with unique features both in Sapienza and in the whole territory.

SBAI also participates in the Eco - Hydro Research Centre for the study of hydrogen and its use as a vector or energy source, the Research Center for Science and Technology for the Preservation of historical and architectural heritage. There are also active agreements with research institutions CNR, INDAM, INFN.


The skills and the scientific production of the people in the Department can be found by looking at the CV and publication list of each individual member , available on this website in the section devoted to the academic staff.

For more details on activities carried out by the Department SBAI you can see the Three-Year Plan of Research Activities 2013-2015.

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