Convegni, Seminari e Workshop (Archivio)
07-01-2014 |
Il Prof. Nicolai Leonenko (School of Mathematics, Cardiff Un... |
13-12-2013 |
13-12-2013 |
13-12-2013 |
12-12-2013 |
Il dottorando Lorenzo Asti (Dottorato Modelli e Metodi Matem... |
29-11-2013 |
28-11-2013 |
27-11-2013 |
22-11-2013 to 13-12-2013 |
Ciclo di Seminari/Corso di Dottorato. Prof. Antonio Avantagg... |
15-11-2013 |
Security via Uncertainty:The Amazing Resources of Quantum Ph... |
09-10-2013 |
17-09-2013 |
Minisimposium Smart and Biological Materials: Mathematical M... |
16-07-2013 |
Peter Danziger (Ryerson University)Bipartite 2-factorisation... |
11-07-2013 |
Ira Gessel (Brandeis University )Hankel determinants, contin... |
04-07-2013 |